Initialize the Contract

Configure and get the contract up-and-running.

Now we've uploaded the contract, now we need to initialise it.

We're using the Poodle Coin example here - $POOD was the first meme coin deployed to a Source Chain testnet.

Generate JSON with arguments

To generate the JSON, you can use jq, or, if you're more familiar with JS/node, write a hash and encode it using the node CLI.

This example uses the node REPL. If you have node installed, just type node in the terminal and hit enter to access it.

> const initHash = {
  name: "Poodle Coin",
  symbol: "POOD",
  decimals: 6,
  initial_balances: [
    { address: "<validator-self-delegate-address>", amount: "12345678000"},
< undefined
> JSON.stringify(initHash);
< '{"name":"Poodle Coin","symbol":"POOD","decimals":6,"initial_balances":[{"address":"<validator-self-delegate-address>","amount":"12345678000"}]}'

Instantiate the contract

Note also that the --amount is used to initialize the new account associated with the contract.

In the example below, 6 is the value of $CODE_ID.

sourced tx wasm instantiate 6 \
    '{"name":"Poodle Coin","symbol":"POOD","decimals":6,"initial_balances":[{"address":"<validator-self-delegate-address>","amount":"12345678000"}]}' \
    --amount 50000usource  --label "Poodlecoin erc20" --from <your-key> --chain-id <chain-id> --gas-prices 0.1usource --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3 -b block -y

If you have set $CODE_ID in your shell, you can instead run:

sourced tx wasm instantiate $CODE_ID \
    '{"name":"Poodle Coin","symbol":"POOD","decimals":6,"initial_balances":[{"address":"<validator-self-delegate-address>","amount":"12345678000"}]}' \
    --amount 50000usource  --label "Poodlecoin erc20" --from <your-key> --chain-id <chain-id> --gas-prices 0.1usource --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3 -b block -y

If this succeeds, look in the output and get contract address from output e.g source1a2b.... or run:

CONTRACT_ADDR=$(sourced query wasm list-contract-by-code $CODE_ID --output json | jq -r '.contracts[0]')

This will allow you to query using the value of $CONTRACT_ADDR

sourced query wasm contract $CONTRACT_ADDR

Note that although we omit --admin when instantiating, in almost all production situations you will want to specify an admin address for the contract. if you do not do this, you will not be able to migrate the contract in future.

Last updated