Now we will download a contract, compile it, and upload it to the Source chain.
We're going to grab the cosmwasm-examples repo and compile our chosen contract.
# get the codegitclone current at time of writing, should be cw 1.0.0-betacdcontracts/erc20
We can compile our contract like so:
# compile the wasm contract with stable toolchain
rustup default stable
cargo wasm
However, we want to create an optimised version to limit gas usage, so we're going to run:
You will need to look in the output for this command for the code ID of the contract. In the JSON, it will look like {"key":"code_id","value":"6"} in the output.
Alternatively, you can capture the output of the command run above, by doing these steps instead, and use the jq tool installed earlier to get the code_id value: