SRCX: How to Purchase

How to Purchase SRCX on Pancake Swap

CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE SRCX NOTE to first time buyers follow the guide below for MetaMask to display your balance. Purchasing and holding SRCX provides many benefits. It allows retail investors & enterprises alike to passively participate in DeFi markets through automated rewards called “Echoes.” Learn more About SRCX HERE.

SRCX can be purchased through Pancake Swap using Metamask. Step by Step instructions and a walk through Video can be found on the Source Website HERE.

Add SRCX To MetaMask

Visit the SRCX Explorer HERE.

On the top right side of the explorer click "More" than click "Add Token To MetaMask".

Accept the prompts from MetaMask. SRCX will now appear under the BNB Network. (You may be asked to switch to the BNB network before adding SRCX)

Alternatively, SRCX can be manually added to Metmask, Trust Wallet, or almost any of the EVM wallets that support BNB Network and Tokens using the Import Token features with the information below:

Token Contract Address: 0x454B90716a9435E7161a9AEa5Cf00e0aCBE565aE

Token Name: SRCX

Token Symbol: SRCX

Token Decimal: 9

*The instructions for purchasing with Trust Wallet and Metamask are nearly identical. If you choose to use the Trust Wallet phone app to make your purchase, you can later use your same SEED PHRASE to Upload and Import your Wallet on Metamask. This Article provides an easy walk through.* SRCX can also be traded on several centralized exchanges and then sent to your Metamask Wallet. These can be seen on the SRCX CoinMarketCap Listing.

Last updated